Partnerships and Alliances

To promote the circularity of packaging, which is becoming an increasingly important societal demand, Ecoembes based its work on public-private cooperation. In order to do this, we firmly believe in the ability of collaboration with groups from civil society to improve the way we conduct our business while also enhancing its social and environmental impact. 
We take action in accordance with SDG 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda to forge partnerships and work together on initiatives in order to increase our positive effects on the environment and society, advance sustainability, and work together to address the global challenges posed by the circular economy in order to build an environmentally-aware and respectful society. 
We collaborate with different foundations, environmental and ecological organisations, consumer groups, neighbourhood associations, workers' representatives, and other social and environmental agents.

Multisectoral Partners

Ecoembes is the result of the trust of our shareholders, who founded this organisation with a commitment to effectiveness and environmental respect based on ethics and transparency. We conduct our business with responsibility, eliminating any potential dangers to the economy, society, or the environment.

As they work together to execute the Packaging Waste SCRAP, they serve as a fundamental foundation of the organisation. We provide a good service at a fair price, which makes it easier to comply with legal requirements. We also develop technologies to enhance the environmental performance of packaging.

Recycling and collectors breathe new life into packaging by reintroducing it into the production process. At Ecoembes, we are dedicated to providing them with carefully chosen materials of the agreed-upon quality, rewarding them in an open-book manner, and fostering free market competition.

The Materials Entities represent packaging material manufacturers, collectors, and recyclers. At Ecoembes, we rely on their specific material expertise to perform studies on packaging, monitor trends, and conduct research to make these materials more recyclable.

Our employees are our most precious asset and the reason for our success at Ecoembes. We value the variety in our staff since it encourages teamwork and a professional work environment. We also put in place work-life balance policies that allow to balance job commitments with family and personal duties.

We actively work with Public Administrations to guarantee that the packaging waste collection and sorting systems are effective from an economic and environmental standpoint. An illustration of the advantages of public-private cooperation is the Integrated Management System, which Ecoembes is in charge of coordinating. Efficiency, environmental protection, technical guidance, and public service are all included in this connection.

Transparency, teamwork, and respect serve as the cornerstones of the interpersonal interactions of Ecoembes. We are willing to share information on the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System's environmental accomplishments and to work together on initiatives of shared interest.

At Ecoembes, our supplier relationships are built on a foundation of trust. We use impartial selection criteria that emphasise technological, financial, and corporate social responsibility factors.

The secret to recycling packaging and its waste is citizen engagement. Therefore, to reduce the negative impact of packing, we transparently share both the outcomes of IMS and the packaging and the preventative measures of distribution businesses. Additionally, we are dedicated to completing our purpose to support sustainable development in the packaging waste industry.