Guides and recommendations

Knowledge is one of the tools to improve processes related to the selective collection of waste and its correct recycling. Therefore, at Ecoembes we are highly committed to training, disseminating the knowledge we have been acquiring over the years through partnerships with benchmarking entities in their field of expertise.

In this section you may find support documentation to prepare documentation for the public tender for goods and services related to waste management.

Technical guide on the management of local waste

Technical guide on the management of local waste (in Spanish, Guía técnica sobre la gestión de residuos municipales) prepared by the Spanish Association of Towns and Provinces (Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias or FEMP), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Ecoembes.

Recommendations for the selective collection of local waste

Models and guides published by the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP).

Recommendations for the selective collection of one-material paper and cardboard in bins

Guide for local technicians and managers to be used as support in the implementation or redesign of the selective paper and cardboard collection service of their entities, using quality criteria in the provision of the service and optimisation of the resources.

Guide for light packaging selection plants

The manual Light packaging selection plants is a tool Ecoembes makes available to waste technicians in public entities, exploitation companies and engineers, compiling the knowledge hoarded through the years in terms of design and operation of packaging selection plants.

Recommendations for the design of a local door-to-door commercial paper/cardboard collection service

The selective collection specific to cardboard generated in commercial premises, in areas of commercial density, as well as the direct environmental impact of recovering material, has positive aspects for the public service of daily cleaning and picking up paper-cardboard in bins, improving the efficiency of both services and, above all, improving the appearance of commercial streets.

Recommendations for assessing anti-theft selective collection

This guide develops a method proposal to assess the capacity of an anti-theft system installed in paper and cardboard waste bins.

Guide on good practices for managing metallic residential packaging

Guide that approaches recommendations to manage metallic residential packaging that go from the machine to the last condition of the packaging, when it becomes waste, passing by the comparative analysis of the different benchmarking quality standards or how packaging is affected by the Circular Economy and other laws.

Guide on the efficient management of energy in organisations

Guide with saving and energy efficiency measures in organisations, both public and private.

Guide on green procurement

Guide with recommendations to promote Green and Socially Responsible Procurement in public administrations and companies.

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Transparency portal

If you want to know more about the content in conventions, Ecoembes’ governance and financing model, data on the management of household packaging waste, we invite you to visit our Transparency Portal.


Actions and procedures

Information on adhesion actions and invoicing for local entities and bids by Ecoembes to acquire goods and services related to the selective collection of light residential containers waste. 


Resources and projects

Find resources and projects to promote the selective collection of waste.