Resources and projects for Public Administrations

AIRE is now here to help your citizens too


AIRE is our smart recycling assistant, which immediately solves user queries on how to recycle correctly from Ecoembes’ website.

But did you know AIRE can also be on the website of your administration to solve your citizens’ queries? Get in touch with us to make our bot be part of your organisation.

Communication campaigns


Here you can access our latest communication campaigns to make society aware of the importance of adequately separating waste and recycling.

  • "Piensa con los pulmones"

    It is crystal clear we do not think only with our head, but why don’t we start thinking with our hearts to take care of the air we breathe?

  • "Recicla y respira"

    Atmospheric pollution does not stop growing. Did you know recycling is one of the solutions to fight it? Find out how.

  • "Orgullosos de reciclar"

    The goal is to raise awareness among citizens so they continue recycling and we keep taking care among all of us of our natural environment.

  • "Oportunidades recicladas"

    For each brick we recycle, we collaborate in taking care of our environment and our planet.

Serigrafías para contenedores

Hemos diseñado nuevas serigrafías con las imágenes de residuos más representativos. Accede a ellas en el siguiente enlace y descárgatelas en el tamaño, formato e idioma deseado.

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Transparency portal

If you want to know more about the content in conventions, Ecoembes’ governance and financing model, data on the management of household packaging waste, we invite you to visit our Transparency Portal.


Actions and procedures

Information on adhesion actions and invoicing for local entities and tenders by Ecoembes to acquire goods and services related to the selective collection of light residential containers waste.


Guides and recommendations

Support documentation to prepare documentation for the public tenders for goods and services related to waste management.