Calls for offers and awards
Calls for offers and awards
You can also download the documentation related to our calls for applications:
Calendar of planned dates 2025/2026 of calls for tenders
Important information
1st Information Note for PET recyclers: recyclers who formalize PET EELL (selective collection stream) contracts starting April 1st 2025 onwards, will be required to produce recycled PET suitable for incorporation into Single Use Plastic bottles. For more information, please, consult the following informative note.
2nd Information Note for recyclers and waste managing companies of any material: recyclers and waste managing companies who formalize contracts for any material will be required to provide an Effective Recycling Certificate for contracts starting from January 1st 2025 onwards. With an applicable penalty regime planned, starting from contracts starting in April 2025 and later. For more information, please, consult the following informative note.
Tenders awarded for the sale of materials
Recyclers can receive materials sourced from sorting plants. To do so, they must meet some technical, economic and environmental requirements that ensure the correct processing of the packaging.
Firstly, the recycler has to be approved,and follow a duly audited tendering process. This is explained here.
Award process
Ecoembes is responsible for designating the companies that will recover and recycle the materials sorted in the plants. Please find below some of the FAQ about the awarding process.
ECOEMBES will publish the rules of each call (the Rules of the Call) in a publicly accessible format on:
- (i) Its website, through the certified electronic publication service of the Logalty company
- (ii) The Electronic Bidding Portal of Pixelware, accessible at the following link:
On the same day that the Rules of the Call are published, ECOEMBES will notify the recyclers of said publication.
Each call will be published for a period of 18 months.
All calls for Light Packaging materials are organized by area, each of which comprises several sorting plants, with the exception of the Paper/Cardboard material, which is organized by plant. As well as materials in the residual waste fraction.
The call for offers document must include the following general rules:
- Material
- Duration of the award
- Deadline for submitting the bid
- Amount expected to be awarded based on the best available forecast (it does not constitute a guarantee to deliver a specific quantity of material)
- Price revision formula and frequency of application (if applicable)
- Last known plant stock (the data available when the rules of each call are prepared will be provided)
- Likewise, in those cases in which the amount of material finally awarded to a recycler in a certain area/plant can be shown to have exceeded the estimate of material specified by ECOEMBES in the corresponding Rules by at least 15%, the recycler may choose to either:
- Decline the performance of the contract as it relates to collecting the amount of material in excess of the threshold indicated above in said area/plant (the Surplus Material), at no penalty to the recycler.
- Or proceed to collect the Surplus Material, in which case ECOEMBES will not revise upwards the amount of the guarantee consigned by the recycler on the occasion of the corresponding call.
- Other aspects that may be relevant
If the Rules of the Call are modified in the future, they will be published and reported to the recyclers sufficiently in advance.
Participation in the different calls for tenders will be made through the new Electronic Tendering Portal managed by the independent company Pixelware, accessible at the following link:
Bids may only be submitted in the electronic format provided for in the Pixelware Electronic Tendering Portal.
The material designations are managed based on the Procedure for Awarding Materials from light packaging selection plants and the residual waste fraction, an internal Ecoembes procedure, under ISO 9001 and 14001 standards, and periodically audited.
Awards are decided through the Electronic Tendering Portal of Pixelware (the Platform)
The Awarding procedure is described below.
Once the Rules of the Call for an Award are published (both on and on the Pixelware Tendering Portal), the process of submitting, processing and publishing the tenders begin.
Only bids submitted to the Platform by companies approved for the material to be awarded will be considered. A bid may be submitted directly by the recycler itself or by a representative chosen by it.
Submission of bids
The process for submitting bids is described below:
- Bids may only be submitted in the electronic format provided for in the Platform.
- The bidding companies will have a period of two (2) working days to submit their bid (the Initial Period).
- Bids submitted during the Initial Period will be encrypted, such that neither Ecoembes nor any third party will have access to them until the end of the Initial Period. At the end of the Initial Period, the Platform will automatically publish and make accessible to all Ecoembes approved recyclers all the bids received on time, although the identity of the bidders will remain anonymous. All Ecoembes approved recyclers (regardless of the material for which they are approved) will have access to this information on the prices bid during the Initial Period once it is over.
- When the Initial Period ends, if the Platform detects that a company would be awarded more than 40% of the areas/plants subject to the corresponding call, or would be awarded more than its approved recycling capacity, the Platform will generate an automatic notice to take into account these rules for the purpose of assessing the submission of a new bid in the Second Period. Note that the Bidding Companies may check at any time on the Platform - through their personal profile - both their maximum approved recycling capacity, and their available recycling capacity
- At the end of the Initial Period, the Portal will automatically grant an additional 24 working hours (the Second Period) so that the companies that submitted their bid in the Initial Period can, if they deem it appropriate, submit a new bid that improves on the one filed during the Initial Period
- If a Bidding Company does not present an improved bid during the Second Period, the bid presented by it during the Initial Period will be considered.
- In order to avoid a potential tie, the Platform will not allow a Bidding Company to present the same price for an area/batch as that which another bidding company presented previously.
- Any improved bids that are presented during the Second Period will not be visible to ECOEMBES or to the bidding companies until said period expires. Once the Second Period ends, the Portal will automatically publish and make accessible at that time to ECOEMBES and to all ECOEMBES approved recyclers all the bids that were submitted during said period.
Processing and Publication of Preliminary Bids
- Simultaneously with the closing of the Second Period, the Platform will automatically make a preliminary award (the Preliminary Award), which will be automatically published on the Platform and made available to all Ecoembes approved recyclers.
- In general, the Preliminary Award will automatically go to the Bidding Company that offered the lowest price, as recorded on the Platform (the Preliminary Awardee).
- If the Preliminary Awardee is awarded: (i) more than 40% of the Areas/Plants involved in the corresponding call; or (ii) more tonnes than it has the capacity to recycle as per its approval (circumstances that will be assessed and considered as appropriate), the following applies:
- (A) - Cases in which the Preliminary Awardee is awarded more than 40% of the Areas/Plants involved in the corresponding call:
- I. The Platform will automatically contact the Preliminary Awardee so that it can select in which Areas/Plants it will provide the service, taking into account the 40% limit indicated above (the Areas/Plants Selected in application of the 40% criterion).
- II. Within 24 hours, the Preliminary Awardee will indicate through the Platform which Areas/Plants it selects in application of the 40% criterion. If the company does not respond within this period, it will be awarded the Selected Areas/Plants in application of the 40% criterion based on the proximity of its facilities to the plants in each area, and respecting the aforementioned 40% limit.
- III. The other Areas/Plants involved in the Call (that is, all Areas/Plants except those selected in application of the 40% criterion) will be awarded to the company that submitted the next best bid, as recorded on the Platform.
- (B) - Cases in which the Preliminary Awardee is awarded more tonnes than its approved recycling capacity (this restriction applies exclusively in the case of plastic materials):
- I. The Platform will automatically contact the Preliminary Awardee so that it can select in which Areas/Plants it will provide the service, taking into account the approved capacity limit indicated above (the Areas/Plants Selected in application of the insufficient capacity criterion).
- II. Within 24 hours, the Preliminary Awardee will indicate through the Platform which Areas/Plants it selects in application of the insufficient capacity criterion. If the company does not respond within this period, it will be awarded the Selected Zones/Plants in application of the insufficient capacity criterion based on the proximity of its facilities to the plants in each area, and respecting the aforementioned approved capacity limit.
- III. The other Areas/Plants involved in the Call (that is, all Areas/Plants except the those selected in application of the insufficient capacity criterion) will be awarded to the company that submitted the next best bid, as recorded on the Platform.
- (A) - Cases in which the Preliminary Awardee is awarded more than 40% of the Areas/Plants involved in the corresponding call:
Final Award:
- Once any potential issues indicated above involving the Preliminary Award are resolved, the Ecoembes Award Committee will ratify the Preliminary Award with any modifications that, as appropriate, have been made in those cases in which the limit of 40% of the Areas/Plants involved in the corresponding call, or the approved recycling capacity, was initially exceeded, and will issue the corresponding award certificate, signed electronically by it (the Award Certificate) (the Final Award).
The Award Committee will be made up of members of Ecoembes (representatives of the Technical and Innovation Department, the Economic-Financial Department and the Legal Department) and an independent auditor. The role of the Award Committee will be limited to ratifying the automatic awards made by the Platform under the terms indicated above:
- Ecoembes will publish the Award Certificate on the Platform and on its website in a way generally accessible format. This publication will take place within one (1) working day after it is issued.

Admission criteria for offers
Admission criteria for offers
Recycling and recovery companies must meet certain requirements for their offers to be admitted in awards.
We inform you of these requirements, as well as of other important aspects to bear in mind.

Assessing and awarding offers
Assessing and awarding offers
When assessing the offers and awards, we also follow certain criteria that award points to the companies. Know all the aspects we take into account.

After the award
After the award
From Ecoembes, we contact the awarded companies, Local entities and/or Selection plants to inform them of the award. Here we explain all the steps following the award.
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